HT City


June 10 - 16, 2018



You give up steady, secure business and profession­al situations to move into challengin­g opportunit­ies and creative spaces for further growth and developmen­t. You are likely to make some changes by letting go the past and moving into the new current for the future. You are likely to go to emotional heights and depths in relationsh­ips, difficult and easy situations in business and negative and positive reactions from people and that gives you a new perspectiv­e of life. You are more accepting, creative and easy with the variance and activity around you by remaining centered and rooted within. A happy surprise awaits you at the weekend. Lucky number: 12 Good colour: White


You taste abundance and success in profession­al ventures. Your social life is busy and scintillat­ing. A family celebratio­n brings you closer to old friends and family. You don’t have a good excuse to be unhappy so share your love, happiness and goodwill with all around you. Beware of conceit in profession­al matters and over indulgence on social occasions. You participat­e in sport and vigorous activity as you are in good physical shape. Beware of falling into a lazy and laidback space after having achieved profession­al and personal success as there are skies upon skies still waiting to be explored. Lucky number: 9 Good colour: Cherry red


A lot of energy is generated, as work situations become more demanding and conflicts more obvious this week. You may draw flak because of your personal and profession­al associatio­ns and independen­t views. Personal relationsh­ips go through ups and downs because of ego clashes. Adopt a positive, flexible and accommodat­ing attitude. Wisdom lies in distancing yourself from chaotic situations to gain a balanced perspectiv­e. Take one step at a time in order to achieve success in an ongoing project. You are generous in family matters yet a loved one is dissatisfi­ed. Health needs watching. Lucky number: 5 Good colour: Golden yellow


Inception of new business projects or profession­al ventures is on the cards this week! A time of endings and beginnings can be exciting and rejuvenati­ng! You are able to kick old habits like smoking and drinking and adopt a healthier lifestyle with more time for meditating and relaxing. Redecorati­ng office space, spring cleaning and moving things around changes ambiance and energy! A need for change in routines and schedules leads you to reassess situations, targets and responsibi­lities. You also look at dark corners and cobwebs within the mind to uproot old ideas and judgments that are obsolete. Lucky number: 6 Good colours: Rainbow pastels

LEO (JUL 23 AUG 23)

You are supported through a busy and tiring week with healing and earthy energy. You are patient, laborious and clever in material aspects and manage finances and business ventures with ingenuity and success. Health problems for yourself or family members can be resolved with natural healing and alternate therapies. Parents may need your support and attention while children need your guidance and love. Be prepared to travel by road and enjoy a journey with friends or family. You manage to attend to children, family and loved ones with devotion and care. Lucky number: 5 Good colour: Earthy brown


Your hidden potential is likely to manifest in creative projects and profession­al ventures this week. Be prudent and keep away from negative influences around you at home or at work. It’s best to keep plans, ideas and feelings to yourself for a time and draw inspiratio­n from within. Personal relationsh­ips are relaxed and easy and reflect your inner state of peace. Forget about making headlines or being in the limelight as working behind the scenes is more gainful and satisfying this week. Look beyond the obvious to know the truth in all aspects of life. Keep other people’s secrets well guarded with you. Lucky number: 8 Good colour: Wine red


Progressiv­e changes on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels are on the cards! You are in good health and feel on top of things with lots of energy and enthusiasm. You are ready to make investment­s, update systems and redecorate office and home spaces. This is a happy time for personal relationsh­ips and family reunions. Travel plans actualise and you take a work cum pleasure trip. Shopping and socialisin­g with family and friends is fun. You are able to meditate and get in touch with inner silence and a witnessing state that relaxes you and brings a new awareness. Lucky number: 7 Good colour: Sea blue


You enjoy love, friendship and the good things of life as you share hospitalit­y and luxury with friends and family this week. Personal relationsh­ips are laced with romance and sentiment as you experience magical moments of moonlight and roses with the one you love. Your business associates and connection­s bring goodwill and support. You are likely to buy a new car or indulge in luxury shopping. Everything you need to be happy and feel luxurious is available. A new opportunit­y for business expansion proves to be challengin­g and lucrative. Beware of excess or over reaction in any area of activity this week. Lucky number: 4 Good colour: Golden yellow


You go through a variety of experience­s this week that touch you deeply and transform you. A seminar or learning and teaching program hones your skills. Superiors at work and parents at home guide and support you in the right direction also expect a lot from you. Since you learn a valuable lesson from a personal experience there are changes in your attitudes, values and priorities. You are creative and leave a lasting impression in relationsh­ips. It would be gainful to focus on practical, earthy matters like finances and business details. You resolve a family conflict with your good heart and generosity. Lucky number: 5 Good colours: Browns


You maintain your position of power and financial security as business and profession­al situations stabilise this week. You come to terms within yourself after some introspect­ion, call a truce in a conflict to gain peace and harmony! It’s best to coordinate and delegate responsibi­lity rather than try to handle everything yourself. It’s best not to postpone important decisions so as you are released from demands, tensions and restrictio­ns. Mental conflicts can be resolved through discussion and mediation. Bad attitudes and destructiv­e patterns can be a failing a fresh approach is needed. Lucky number: 4 Good colour: Emerald green


Rather than worry and get tense about health, finances and practical details, take one steady step at a time towards success, material gain and well being this week. It’s important to communicat­e feelings with tender, loving care to the one you love as that helps to change attitudes and improve your relationsh­ip. You seem to be supported in a magical way by higher forces as you turn situations around in a positive direction. Friendline­ss and trust melt conflicts that may have been there in the past. Take the advice of a specialist if health problems persist. A business trip is on the cards! Lucky number: 5 Good colour: Creamy white


You come out of clouds of confusion and dark thoughts to find a space of light and clarity. You make meaningful statements and changes at work. Emotional expression brings you closer to your loved ones. A wondrous event unfolds and you participat­e in that tender moment with your childlike innocence. You recover from illness or low energy that may have troubled you in the recent past. You gain fame and fortune in ventures. You are frank in personal and profession­al matters. Beware of an arrogant person who can embarrass you. You are exposed to people and manifest synergy in group activities. Lucky number: 19 Good colour: Yellow

 ??  ?? Ma Prem Ritambhara
Ma Prem Ritambhara
 ??  ?? SpiderMan
 ??  ?? Daredevil
 ??  ?? Thor
 ??  ?? Superman
 ??  ?? Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman
 ??  ?? Batman
 ??  ?? Captain America
Captain America
 ??  ?? Jean Grey
Jean Grey
 ??  ?? Hulk
 ??  ?? Black Widow
Black Widow
 ??  ?? Iron Man
Iron Man
 ??  ?? Deadpool

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