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Busting myths about eczema


Eczema is a medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed with blisters which cause itching and bleeding. Patients are often misinforme­d, and the gap between the myths and facts about eczema is usually very broad. Dr SPS Bakshi, CMD, Bakson Group helps us understand this disorder better:

Myth: Eczema is contagious

Fact: The answer is no. You can't catch eczema from another person and you can't give it to someone by touching them.

Myth: Eczema is just an allergy

Fact: Most people assume this because they are allergic to external allergens, but the fact is that our genetic makeup is sensitised to various allergens, and this leads to hypersensi­tivity reactions. These sensitised response characteri­stics can be passed on to the succeeding generation­s, too.

Myth: Bathing aggravates it

Fact: Daily bathing can help hydrate the skin as well as remove any bacteria or other micro-organisms that can cause infection.

Myth: It can be cured with ‘miracle’ creams

Fact: There is no shortage of ‘miracle’ natural eczema creams in the market, since in the traditiona­l medical system, eczema is typically treated with the topical applicatio­n of creams and ointments. The fact is that they just provide temporary relief, and don’t address the actual causes and triggers of the inflammati­on. However, homoeopath­y’s natural treatment works on the immune system and enhances body’s natural healing process against eczema. Homoeopath­ic treatment is tailored to an individual’s specific symptoms, history, and needs, so is extremely effective. Some commonly prescribed homoeopath­ic medicines are:

Graphitis 30: Used for dry, rough, hard, skin with sticky discharge Natrium muriaticum 200:

Treats eczema over bends of limbs, the scalp, and behind ears Bakson’s Homoeopath­ic Formula `D’ Tablets:

Dosage for first week - twice daily; second week - once daily; third week - once every alternate day; fourth week - twice a week (once on Monday and Thursday)

All medicines are to be taken under the supervisio­n of a registered homoeopath­ic medical practition­er only.

For further queries / appointmen­t call:

0958232326­6, 0989910174­5, 0989910170­4

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 ??  ?? DR SPS BAKSHI DHMS, CMD, Bakson Group Former President -Central Council of Homoeopath­y -Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India -Homoeopath­ic Medical Associatio­n of India Former Vice Chairman, Board of Homoeopath­ic System of Medicine
DR SPS BAKSHI DHMS, CMD, Bakson Group Former President -Central Council of Homoeopath­y -Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India -Homoeopath­ic Medical Associatio­n of India Former Vice Chairman, Board of Homoeopath­ic System of Medicine

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