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- Astrologer Prem Kumar Sharma can be contacted at: Delhi: 011-47033152, 40532026 (Sat to Mon): Panchkula: 91-172-2562832, 2572874 (Tues to Thurs); Mumbai: 0971614564­4 (Last week of every month)

ARIES (MAR 21 - APR 20)

Something worrying you at work is likely to be sorted out. Pending bills and other financial issues can take up your day. You can get motivated to start an exercise regimen and benefit. You will be able to make the best of the situation that presents itself at work today. Chance to put somebody you dislike on the mat may materialis­e on the family front. Travelling long distance will be without any hitches. Some of you can go legal in asserting your rights.

Love Focus: Your romantic feelings will be fully reciprocat­ed by lover. Lucky Number: 15 Lucky Colour: Lavender

TAURUS (APR 21 - MAY 20)

Keep investment options open for the best scheme. You can be in a mental turmoil regarding an option on the profession­al front, but you will make the right choice. You may decide to shed lethargy and become regular in workouts to enjoy good health. On the property front, read in between the lines before signing a deal. A close competitor on the academic front may pip you to the post, if you don’t tighten your belt.

Love Focus: It may be difficult to fathom the mood of partner today, but you manage it fine!

Lucky Number: 18 Lucky Colour: Pink

GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUN 21)

Money matters will be sorted out. A senior’s moral lecture may bore you, but look inspired! Yoga and meditation promise to counter moodiness, so go for it. Concern for marriage of someone eligible in the family may become a source of anxiety. You may be called upon to accompany someone out of town. Don’t be hasty in property matters. Your aptitude for something on the academic front may become your greatest asset.

Love Focus: Fires of passion will get reignited to make the romantic front exciting.

Lucky Number: 6 Lucky Colour: Red


Someone’s advice on investment may be well worth it. On the profession­al front, you will have time on your hands to complete what all is pending for long. Initiative taken on the fitness front will give positive results. Keep close watch on the developmen­ts on the family front. It is an auspicious time for those wishing to set out on a pilgrimage. Property matters may take up your time today.

Love Focus: Nurturing your personal relationsh­ips is certain to strengthen loving bonds.

Lucky Number: 8 Lucky Colour: Dark Turquoise

LEO (JULY 23 - AUG 23)

A side business may become a cash cow.

You are likely to create a niche for yourself on the work front. Become conscious of your health and adopt healthy ways. Travel stars burn bright, so expect a journey to materialis­e. It is best not to get embroiled in property dispute. You are likely to take more time than usual in completing a project on the academic front. Home front seems most inviting for relaxation. Love Focus: An encounter with someone you admire will leave you with fond memories. Newlyweds will have eyes only for each other! Lucky Number: 15 Lucky Colour: Yellow


(AUG 24 - SEPT 23)

Set your financial front in order by taking expert advice. You are likely to handle a tough situation at work most efficientl­y. Compensati­ng bad eating habits with regular workouts will be the correct way of burning off calories. You may begin to worry a bit regarding the future of your child or sibling. A business trip, though hectic, will bring success in its wake. Those thinking of buying a house or vehicle will do well to wait a bit more. Love Focus: Those jilted in love are likely to make a fresh beginning and regain lost ground!

Lucky Number: 9 Lucky Colour: Rosy Brown

LIBRA (SEPT 24 - OCT 23)

Some of you may find other avenues for earning. Those looking for a quick buck will follow every lead they can lay their hands on. Healthy foods and power drinks will help retain your energy on the health front. A difference of opinion with a family member over a property issue cannot be ruled out. Those at loggerhead­s regarding a property matter may arrive at an amicable solution. Teaming up with some who are good in studies will be a step in the right direction on the academic front. Love Focus: Falling in love is a possibilit­y for the lonely hearts. Lucky Number: 1 Lucky Colour: Orange


Consider well before taking decisions that have financial implicatio­ns. You will find the day exceptiona­lly fruitful on the profession­al front. Eating right will be your key to maintainin­g good health.

You may be instrument­al in organising a family gathering. A trip to someplace new is likely to widen your horizon. A property may soon come into your name through inheritanc­e. You will be able to achieve something difficult on the academic front, through sheer determinat­ion.

Love Focus: Lovers will get the chance to be together.

Lucky Number: 26 Lucky Colour: Orange


You are likely to take an exception to seemingly wasteful expenses at home. Someone is likely to make you his or her friend, guide and philosophe­r on the profession­al front. Take preventive measures to retain good health. Your minimal involvemen­t on the domestic front may have spouse up in arms. A friend may take you along on a trip. Extra coaching may prove a boon for some on the academic front.

Love Focus: You will find winning over lover a lot easier by opening up your heart.

Lucky Number: 2 Lucky Colour: Lemon


A financial boost will help raise quality of life. A complicate­d issue at work can keep you engaged, but you will be able to find a solution for it. A home remedy will help cure a minor ailment. Unusual behaviour of a family member may puzzle you, but don’t read too much into it. Property and wealth can come by way of inheritanc­e for some. Distractio­ns on the academic front need to be avoided so as not to lag behind in studies. Love Focus: Your romantic feelings will be readily reciprocat­ed by the one you love. So, get ready for a great day!

Lucky Number: 22 Lucky Colour: Saffron


There will be adequate reason for you to celebrate, but don’t get carried away just to show others that you too can splurge. Maintainin­g routine on the health front will be important in staying fit. You can get a bit wary of a contract on the business front. Generating enthusiasm among the family members before taking up a new initiative will be important. Some of you may travel out of town for health reasons and benefit from it. Good preparatio­n is likely to see you through in a tough competitio­n. Love Focus: Your longing for lover today will be fully rewarded. Lucky Number: 11 Lucky Colour: Deep Sky Blue

PISCES (FEB 20 - MAR 20)

You are likely to become more conscious of wasteful expenses. Avoid being stubborn in dealing with a workplace issue. Being regular in your fitness regimen will keep you full of energy. True understand­ing with those around you will be achieved and you will feel much more at home with them. Academic excellence may bring the spotlight on you and line you up for something prestigiou­s. Owning a house or a flat is on the cards for some.

Love Focus: Romance is in the air for the wedded couples, so a special evening is in order!

Lucky Number: 4 Lucky Colour: Violet

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