India Today



Madhuri is empanelled

by Kutch district administra­tion as a landscape architect for earthquake reconstruc­tion work.

She begins to work closely

with Kutch district collector Pradeep Sharma on the reconstruc­tion projects.

Amit Shah complains

to Chief Minister Narendra Modi that Pradeep Sharma is collaborat­ing with his brother, IPS officer Kuldeep Sharma, in anti-Modi activities at the Congress’s behest.

Madhuri’s father Pranlal

Soni seeks Modi’s help to protect his daughter, reportedly from Pradeep Sharma.


Shah orders policemen

to track Madhuri’s movements. IPS officer G.L. Singhal, an accused in the Ishrat Jahan case, records a series of conversati­ons after the meeting.


In an apparent trade-off,

Singhal hands over the tapes to CBI, which lets him get bail.

November 16

Two investigat­ive websites,

Cobrapost and Gulail, release the tapes. Congress demands a probe by a Supreme Court judge.

November 17

Madhuri’s father claims

the surveillan­ce was done at his request.

November 20

National Commission for

Women demands an inquiry into the case. Madhuri’s father calls it an invasion of his and his daughter’s privacy.

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