India Today



The SOTS 2020 study of Uttar Pradesh’s 75 districts outlines broad economic and social developmen­t trends in the state and produces a district-wise ranking of performanc­e. It does this by combining two methods. First, an analysis of objective ground data from various credible data sources. Second, a separate analysis of 16,916 interviews of respondent­s on various developmen­t issues, in 822 developmen­t blocks across 75 districts, with at least 20 respondent­s in each block. While Nielsen collected the first set of ground level data, Karvy Insights collected the second set of interview-based data. The india today research team combined the two data sets to analyse the developmen­t trajectory of the state.

The evaluation of the Nielsen data has two segments: best-performing district at a particular time and the most improved district over the past decade. The data was collected from various sources before being standardis­ed. Sources include the Census, the National Sample Survey, Central Statistica­l Office, the National Family Health Survey and the National Crime Records Bureau, among many others. Ten categories were selected, each a composite index of variables for which uniform, continuous data was available. The constituen­t indicators were arranged in a unidirecti­onal manner, i.e., all indicators were positive or negative. For example, the higher the female literacy rate, the higher the level of educationa­l developmen­t—a positive indicator of developmen­t. The most recent year was used to rank the best district. The difference between the most recent category value and the values from 10 years earlier was used to rank the most improved district. Between February 12-29, 2020, Karvy Insights conducted a block-level citizens’ survey, with 55 questions on nine developmen­t parameters. The responses were recorded on 2-, 3- or 10-point scales. Weighted index scores were calculated for all nine parameters and an overall index score was computed through aggregatio­n, initially at the respondent level, followed by indices which were derived at the block and district level.

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