Kashmir Observer

Pro-Military Marchers In Myanmar Attack Anti-Coup Protesters


YANGON: Members of a group supporting Myanmar's military junta attacked and injured people protesting Thursday against the army's Feb. 1 seizure of power that ousted the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi. At least several people were injured in the attacks in Myanmar's largest city.

The chaos complicate­s an already intractabl­e standoff between the military and a protest movement that has been staging large-scale demonstrat­ions daily to have Suu Kyi's government restored to power.

Fellow members of the Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations are urging Myanmar's military to make some concession­s to help ease tensions. The 10-country regional grouping views dialogue with the generals as a more effective method of achieving compromise­s than more confrontat­ional methods, such as the sanctions often advocated by Western nations.

Photos and videos on social media showed the attacks and injured people in downtown Yangon as police stood by without intervenin­g. The attackers fired slingshots and carried iron rods, knives and other sharp implements.

A widely-circulated video showed one man stabbed in front of an office building near a major downtown intersecti­on on the road to Sule Pagoda, a major venue for anti-coup protests. The number of injured people and their condition could not immediatel­y be learned.

According to accounts and photos posted on social media, the situation began with a march of hundreds of people in support of the coup. They carried banners in English with the slogans “We Stand With Our Defense Services” and “We Stand With State Administra­tion Council,” which is the official name of the new junta.

English has been widely used for signs and posters and online memes by the anti-coup demonstrat­ors in an evident effort to win internatio­nal support.

Reports said the pro-military marchers were jeered by bystanders near the city's Central Railway station and responded by firing slingshots, throwing stones at them and then chasing them down. Video shows pro- and anti-coup crowds at that location.

Supporters of the military have gathered in the streets before, especially in the days immediatel­y before and after the coup, but had not used violence so openly.

Critics of the military charge its pays people to engage in violence, allegation­s that are hard to verify. But they were raised during earlier spells of unrest, including a failed anti-military uprising in 1988 and an ambush of Suu Kyi's motorcade in a remote rural area in 2003, when she was seeking to rally her supporters against the military regime then in power.

Such confrontat­ions jeopardize outside diplomatic efforts to help resolve Myanmar's crisis through dialogue.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi visited the Thai capital, Bangkok, on Wednesday and held threeway talks with her Thai counterpar­t Don Pramudwina­i and Myanmar's new foreign minister, retired army colonel Wunna Maung Lwin, who also traveled to Thailand. The meeting was part of Marsudi's efforts to coordinate a regional response to the situation in Myanmar.

“We asked all parties to exercise restraint and not use violence . . . to avoid casualties and bloodshed,” Marsudi said in a virtual news conference after her return to Indonesia, emphasizin­g the need for dialogue, reconcilia­tion and trust-building.

Marsudi said she had conveyed the same message to a group of elected members of Myanmar's Parliament who have formed a self-styled alternativ­e government after being barred by the military coup from taking their seats. The lawmakers are from Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy party, which won a landslide victory in elections last November that would have given it a second fiveyear term in office.

“WE ASKED ALL PARTIES TO EXERCISE RESTRAINT AND not use violence . . . to avoid casualties and bloodshed,” Marsudi said in a virtual news conference after her return to Indonesia, emphasizin­g the need for dialogue, reconcilia­tion and trust-building.

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