Kashmir Observer

‘Prosecute 10 Ministers And I Will Quit Politics’


SRINAGAR Omar - The president of the National Conference, Omar Abdullah, today challenged chief minister, Ghulam Nabi Azad, to take action against 10 corrupt ministers in his cabinet, saying that he (Omar) would quit politics in response. The NC chief offered to furnish Azad a list of ministers who, according to him, qualified to be axed.

"The coalition government has failed on all fronts. If I want, I can spend the entire day cataloging the failures and the weaknesses of this government," Omar said addressing a public meeting in the Naghama area of Handwara.

In a blistering attack, Omar said that the coalition government had deceived the public at every turn and every one of its slogans had proved to be hollow.

"The government's slogans of healing touch, providing jobs, accountabi­lity, progress, prosperity, peace and action against the corrupt were nothing but a means to fool people." he said.

Admitting that his party had committed mistakes, Omar however said that NC had not deceived the public. "The supposed drive against corruption, too, has proved illusory, as corruption is rampant, and no work is being accomplish­ed without bribes," he said.

"If Azad sahib has the guts, let him take action against 10 cabinet ministers whose list I am prepared to provide," Omar said.

"If he takes action against these ministers, I will quit politics," he said.

"But the chief minister will not take any action, because the ministers of this government are handpicked by Delhi and they function according to New Delhi's bidding." lie said. (Kashmir Observer, 14 July, 2007)

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