Millennium Post (Kolkata)

SKM slams govt action on ‘Dilli Chalo’ protest


NEW DELHI: The Samyukt Kisan Morcha has written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi demanding Minimum Support Price for crops, slamming action on the farmers’ ‘Dilli Chalo’ march and accusing the government of trying to “project” division among farmer bodies.

It urged all like-minded farmer organisati­ons to unite and take part in the February 16 Gramin Bharat Bandh called by the central trade unions.

The statement comes on a day the ‘Delhi Chalo’ agitation, spearheade­d by SKM splinter group Samyukta Kisan Morcha (Non-Political) and the Kisan Mazdoor Morcha, faced tear gas shells near Ambala and Jind protesters tried to break past police barricades set up by the Haryana Police to stop them from heading to the national capital. Said the SKM, “Your government and that of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh led by the BJP have resorted to repressive measures on peaceful protests of farmers and unleashed lathi-charge, rubber bullets and tear gas shells, injuring many and inflict an atmosphere of terror on common farmers.” The SKM mentioned their demands including MSP for all crops based on the Swaminatha­n formula of C2+50 (input cost of capital+50 per cent), legal guarantee of procuremen­t, debt waiver, no hike in electricit­y tariff and no smart metres.

They also demanded free 300 units power for farming and for domestic use and for shops, comprehens­ive crop insurance, and a hike in pensions to Rs 10,000 per month among others.

“Your ministers have been hesitant to talk with the SKM while being more interested in talking with other platforms to project that the farmers’ movement is divided in order to escape from your constituti­onal responsibi­lity of solving the problems that distress the farmers,” the SKM said.

It said the Union government’s plans of obstructin­g and repressing the ‘Dilli Chalo’ agitation is regrettabl­e.

“The administra­tion has barricaded the borders by erecting concrete barricades, iron nails, barbed wires on the Highways in Punjab border. It has suspended internet, imposed section 144 and created an atmosphere of terror, thus treating protesters as if they are enemies of the country,” they said. “As the Prime Minister of India we urge you to show sympathy on the plight of farmers in the face of severe onslaught of the corporate interventi­on in agricultur­e actively supported by the Union Budgets and department­al actions. “We urge you to immediatel­y address the demands raised by the SKM and initiate discussion in order to resolve the demands of the farmers of the country,” they said.

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