Millennium Post (Kolkata)

China ships Tibetan glacier water to climate-threatened Maldives


China has sent more than a million bottles of water from melting Tibetan glaciers to the Maldives, officials said Thursday, a gift from the world’s highest mountains to a lowlying archipelag­o threatened by rising seas.

The Indian Ocean nation of 1,192 tiny coral islands is on the frontlines of the climate crisis, with salt levels seeping into the land and corrupting potable water, leaving it dependent on desalinati­on plants.

Scientists say glaciers in the Himalayas are melting faster than ever due to climate change.

The Maldives foreign ministry said the water was a gift from Yan Jinhai, the chairman of the Xizang Autonomous Region, or Tibet, lying more than 3,385 kilometres (2,100 miles) away on the far side of the world’s highest mountain range.

The consignmen­t of mineral water packed into 90 sea containers arrived last week and had been unloaded in the capital Male, a port authority official said.

“The Chairman of Xizang Autonomous Region announced his wish to donate 1,500 tonnes of drinking water... during his official visit to the country in November,” the Maldives foreign ministry said in a statement.

The ministry allegation­s on social media that the imported water was for the consumptio­n of pro-China President Mohamed Muizzu, who came to power last year on an antiIndian platform.

“The government of Maldives has decided to utilise the water to provide assistance to islands in case of water shortage,” it said.

The United Nations Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned in 2007 that rises of 18 to 59 centimetre­s (7.2 to 23.2 inches) would make the Maldives virtually uninhabita­ble by the end of the century.

Muizzu promises his country -- 80 percent of which is less than a metre (three feet) above sea level -- will beat back the waves through ambitious land reclamatio­n and building islands higher.

 ?? ?? Chinese President Xi Jinping
Chinese President Xi Jinping

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