Millennium Post

Cops foil Jagan’s bid to join protest, send him back to Hyd


VISAKHAPAT­NAM: After a high drama that lasted over two hours inside the Visakhapat­nam airport, police sent YSR Congress chief Jaganmohan Reddy back to Hyderabad this evening, thereby preventing him from taking part in a candleligh­t protest on the beach here.

In heated arguments with the police, who detained him and other leaders, Jagan strongly protested the “denial of my democratic and political rights” and vowed to act against the police “when I become Chief Minister”.

Jagan, two YSRC MPS Y Vijaysai Reddy, Y V Subba Reddy and three other leaders were detained upon their arrival from Hyderabad in the evening.

“In just two more years, I will be the CM. I will not forget anyone of you. I will take you all to task,” Jagan warned some police officers and men as the latter prevented him and MPS from coming out of the airport.

Jagan and other YSRC leaders staged a sit-in protest on the airport apron after a horde of policemen did not allow them to come out of the arrivals gate at the airport.

“We demand special category status. We demand justice”, the YSRC leaders raised slogans.

“I am the Leader of Opposition and these two are MPS.

How can you bar us from going out of the airport? This is the arrivals gate and we came here as passengers. How could you stop us,” the YSRC chief questioned.

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