Millennium Post

Steep rise in dengue cases rings alarm bells


NEW DELHI: With 57 cases of malaria reported in July so far, the number of people affected by the vector-borne disease in the city this year has reached 230.

Meanwhile, the number of dengue and chikunguny­a cases recorded since January have been recorded at 180 and 195, respective­ly, till July 22.

The numbers were revealed in status report of the Municipal Corporatio­ns released on Monday.

Authoritie­s fear that the number of cases may rise, as the season for vector-borne diseases begins from mid-july and generally lasts till November-end.

Of the 230 malaria cases, 116 affected people were residents of Delhi, while the rest of the cases diagnosed were traced to other states.

Of the 195 Chikunguny­a cases, 127 of the affected people were Delhi residents, while the remaining belonged to other states.

43 cases of dengue have been reported this month, with 30 fresh cases being reported last week. In June, 15 cases were recorded.

Cases of all three vector-borne diseases have been reported much earlier than usual this year, which doctors have attributed to the early arrival of monsoon.

A senior official of South Delhi Municipal Corporatio­n said that its public health department has intensifie­d IEC (informatio­n, education and communicat­ion) activities to check the menace.

Breeding of mosquitoes have been reported at 69,057 households in Delhi, according to the report.

Meanwhile, intensifyi­ng their ongoing effort to keep the menace under check, all the three Municipal Corporatio­ns have stepped up awareness drive, including distributi­on of pamphlets and plying of vehicles carrying loudspeake­rs, issuing “dos and don’ts” on prevention of vector-borne diseases.

A senior SDMC official said that the female Aedes mosquito – the vector that spreads chikunguny­a and dengue – breeds in stagnant water only. If water tanks, coolers, flower pots and utensils are kept dry, it will be easy to stop breeding and prevent these diseases.

“It has been decided to intensify checking of mosquitoes breeding at big establishm­ents, institutio­ns and offices. Wherever the breeding will be noticed, appropriat­e action will be taken. The public health cannot be overlooked hence, all possible steps will be taken to prevent and control dengue and malaria,” the official said.

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