Millennium Post

Missing JNU student: Sea of protestors reach CBI HQ


NEW DELHI: Hundreds of students from Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi University and Jamia Millia Islamia stated a protest outside the Central Bureau of Investigat­ion headquarte­rs in the Capital, while demanding the status of the inquiry into the missing JNU student of Najeeb Ahmed.

Moreover, the agitators were also called for a speedy investigat­ion into the matter of missing student from last one year.

Raising slogans of “We are Najeeb” and “Najeeb ko dhoond ke lao”, the protestors, mostly from JNU and Jamia Milia Islamia, were also involved in a brief scuffle with police when they tried to overpass the barricades at the protest scene.

Ahmed has been missing since October 14 night last year after he was allegedly beaten up by Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) supporters at his Mahi Mandavi hostel on the JNU campus.

“You should remove your uniforms and protest with me if you are sensible as many of you have sons,” Ahmed’s mother Fatima Nafees said, adding after the city police, the CBI has proven itself inefficien­t.

To disburse the protesters, Delhi Police have called two platoons of Central Reserve Police Force and the Indotibeta­n Border Police were deployed outside the CBI headquarte­rs to avoid any untoward incident. Moreover, around 60 police personnel were also present at the protest site.

However, minor clashes between the protestors and the police were reported.

Some students even broke the police barricades, but the situation was brought under control after senior officials intervened.

Former JNU Students’ Union President Mohit Pandey said Delhi Police have called reserved battalion and water cannon to disrupt protest.

Subsequent­ly, “Students and activists have decided that they will not go, until something concrete comes from CBI,” he said.

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