Millennium Post

Two minor girls sexually assaulted in separate incidents


NEW DELHI: A three-yearold girl was allegedly sexually assaulted by a 15-year-old boy in northeast Delhi’s Karawal Nagar on Thursday.

According to police, the girl was playing outside her home when the juvenile noticed her while he was sitting at his father’s grocery store.

He took her with him to an isolated spot on the pretext of playing with her and sexually assaulted her. He left the girl outside her home.

The girl was crying since she was in pain. Her mother took her to a doctor where it was found that the girl had been sexually assaulted. Her mother approached the police and a case was registered.

In another case, seven-yearold girl was sexually assaulted on Wednesday by a person who worked with her father in north east Delhi’s Nand Nagari area.

According to police, the girl had went to shop where the accused spotted her and lured her to an abandoned spot and allegedly sexually assaulted her.

After the incident, the accused told the girl to not reveal the incident to anyone and threatened her with dire consequenc­es.

“The girl was in a lot of pain and when her mother asked her about the pain she revealed the incident,” said a police officer.

The girl was taken for a medical examinatio­n and a local NGO was brought in to counsel her.

The police on the same day traced and arrested the accused.

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