Millennium Post

New lease of life for 24-year-old woman rescued from GB Road


The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) has helped a 24-year-old woman start her life afresh, after she spent years in the GB Road red light district.

Anusha (name changed), a BSC graduate and fluent speaker of English, was brought to Delhi from Karnataka on the pretence of being offered a job by a man seven years ago.

However, as soon as she arrived, she was forcibly sold to a woman in GB Road for Rs 50,000. The woman told Anusha that she would free her only if she repaid the amount.

This, however, took Anusha almost four years, after which she started living in with a man Ashok (name changed) in GB Road area itself.

However, Ashok used to physically abuse Anusha and would spend whatever money she earned from GB Road to fuel his gambling and alcohol addiction.

In the meantime, Anusha gave birth to a son, and after three years with Ashok, decided to leave him.

Three months ago, she managed to send her son to her family in Karnataka.

When Anusha was ready to leave GB Road, Ashok dragged her back in by her hair.

With no option left, Anusha dialled DCW'S 181 helpline. Immediatel­y, a team of counsellor­s reached the spot and after listening to her plight called the police.

Ashok, a criminal with many pending cases against him, initially managed to flee, but was soon arrested by police.

Anusha has now left GB road along with all her possession­s and said she is looking forward to a new life with her son in Karnataka.

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