Millennium Post

Punjab stubble burning cases lower this yr: Data


Amidst the repeated blame on the stubble burning of Punjab and Haryana, data showed that this year frequency of stubble burning in those states has been lower than the last year. The data of Punjab Pollution Control Board (PPCB) noted that 39,686 cases of stubble burning this year have been reported so far, whereas the number was 67,969 last year.

A survey by the PPCB noted that after cutting off the paddy grains, the remaining paddy straws become useless thereafter the farmers do not even get any profit by selling these items. “The North Indian farmers have the choice of feed- ing their animals wheat and other items, but for them, these straws have no value thereafter they burn the crops,” the study noted.

The experts said that the farmers of these states do not have many options except burning their crops as it is the least time consuming and most effective way. According to the various research of Punjab Agricultur­al Universty, the alternativ­es of this method are such as residue incorporat­ion but this method is costly in terms of the early income and profits of the farmers. Alternativ­e of chopper-shredder machines for reducing the size of straws is also not cost-effective.

Explaining the reason of the connection between stubble burning and air pollution in Delhi, the Central Pollution Control Board experts noted that this year the wind speed was very less which made the smoke of burning to stay in the air levels. The dust pollution and vehicular pollution of the Capital were already there and the combinatio­n of these two factors made the city a gas chamber.

The experts suggested that the only way out from this condition would be controllin­g the local sources of pollution. Experts also observed that stubble burning is a century old technique which has no way to grow as the condition of Indian agricultur­e is not improving much.

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