Millennium Post

Crowd funded film screened in Capital


‘LIFE OF AN OUTCAST’ touches plight of Dalits which is prevalent even in this age. Written and directed by Pawan K Shrivastav­a, the movie’s private screening was held at Film Division Auditorium, New Delhi on May 29 in the presence of Manish Sisodia, an Indian and the Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi.

The film has captured the agony of a Dalit family and their struggles against caste oppression in today’s age. When Identity politics is on rise, ‘Life of an Outcast’ throws a new light on Dalit politics in modern India. The protagonis­t of this film Ravi Sha (Pansinghto­mar and Filmistan fame) and Kalpanapat­owary (Singer, Beghumjaan, Mukkabaaz) played their part with full zeal.

One of the biggest highlights of this movie is that the subject has touched the hearts of hundreds and attracted fundings majorly through social media.

At a private screening in Delhi last evening, filmmaker Pawan K. Shrivastav­a confirmed, “We have collected Rs. 4 Lakh through crowd-funding which was used in its making as well as for post-production of this amazing film. We will release this 90 minute movie in 500 Villages of India in 10 different regional languages.”

“A film Idea which is not welcomed by the producers in Bollywood, is now being loved by masses and produced through crowd funding”, added Pawan.

The movie is co-produced by National Convention of Dalit and Adiwasi Rights (NACDAOR), Mohd. Asif, Dr. Altaf, Raju Shaeikh, Mohd. Maoon, Arun Kumar Goyal, Narendra Kr. Jindal.

Manish Sisodia, Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi said, “States should be given the power to make any good movie, play or other thought-provoking presentati­ons tax free.”

 ??  ?? Manish Sisodia, the Deputy CM Delhi and Director Pawan K. Shrivastav­a with his crew on the screaning of movie ‘Life of an Outcast’
Manish Sisodia, the Deputy CM Delhi and Director Pawan K. Shrivastav­a with his crew on the screaning of movie ‘Life of an Outcast’

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