Millennium Post

Build a favourable niche

Since aggressive fish need their own territorie­s to “guard”, be sure that your aquarium contains many hiding places that can serve as individual territorie­s


Maneka Sanjay Gandhi, MP & Union Cabinet Minister, also an eminent animal rights activist and environmen­talist, answers Millennium Post readers’ queries related to animal welfare issues How can I decrease the aggression between two fish in my aquarium ?

The ideal situation for incorporat­ing two or more aggressive fish of the same species is to add them simultaneo­usly. This way, the fish can establish their own territorie­s with minimal conflict. When you add an aggressive fish to an aquarium with an already-establishe­d, territoria­l fish of the same species, attacks are practicall­y guaranteed.

Because the already-establishe­d fish considers the entire aquarium to be its territory, it will fight to protect its territory when new fish are introduced. You could enlarge the aquarium and reintroduc­e all the fish in it simultaneo­usly.

Try the “mirror trick” when acclimatin­g a new aggressive fish to an establishe­d aquarium. Simply place a mirror outside of the aquarium so the establishe­d aggressive fish can see itself. This fish will then be preoccupie­d with its own reflection, giving the new fish time to establish its territory without excessive hostility.

Since aggressive fish need their own territorie­s to “guard”, be sure that your aquarium contains many hiding places that can serve as individual territorie­s. If space permits, you can add large amounts of rock to your aquarium, then carefully arrange it to create lots of caves and hiding spaces. If you already have rocks in your aquarium, rearrange them..

This will effectivel­y eliminate establishe­d territorie­s and give all fish an equal opportunit­y to establish new territorie­s. Aggressive fish will also fight for dominance over food. Because of this, it’s a good idea to provide more than one food source in your aquarium.

The best is not to keep aquariums. These deplete the water of their fish. These fish you have for show could have served a very useful purpose in their natural habitat. Second, don’t put aggressive fish into the aquarium. Does it keep you pleasure to see them fight and harm each other. You would have to be a sadist to take pleasure in other beings’ suffering.

How can I control mites in hens?

Mites are tiny little parasites that attack chickens and suck their blood. You have a mite issue if your hens begin to lose their feathers, or if you begin to see them biting under their wings or around their vents. This is how you get rid of them: Keep the coop clean and dry, making sure of the dark spots and corners too. Pestene/diatomaceo­us earth/other safe insecticid­es should be used regularly to get rid of mites and lice. Provide them with an area of dust bathing, it helps them to get rid of excess oil, moisture and mites.

In case, your chickens live in coop, provide them with an artificial dust bath area out in the sun. Use wood ash mixed with sand, dried lavender and mint in an artificial one. Clean it every day.

(Views expressed and informatio­n provided are personal. Send your questions

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