Millennium Post

JNUSU to move court after over 300 receive notices from admin


NEW DELHI: The Jawaharlal Nehru Students’ Union (JNUSU) on Friday said they will be moving court regarding notices that they have received from the administra­tion for participat­ing in the protests regarding the fee hike issue. According to the JNUSU, more than 300 students have received notices for protesting against it.

While six students have already been suspended, many have received notices for a proctorial inquiry over various issues, including abusing and heckling V-C M Jagadesh Kumar. “We are moving court against the notices received. We will move legally because there are names of about 300 to 400 students,” said JNUSU president Aishe Ghosh.

In a separate matter, the Delhi High Court ordered JNU’S Vice-chancellor to take requisite steps to engage with students and attempt to break the logjam on the campus.

The Bench comprising Justice Rajiv Shakdher stated order from 2017 and said the solution to the logjam has to be found by the V-C. “This court cannot run and manage the concerned institutio­n and certainly not through court dictates,” said the order. The case was heard after students from the Bachelors in Korean Studies course approached the court for conducting the 5th-semester examinatio­ns.

However, even after the court’s order, the administra­tion has taken no action to conduct a dialogue with the students, said JNUSU. They have sent a letter to the administra­tion appealing to have a dialogue with them.

However, the admin has not responded to the students, as of now. JNUSU vice-president Saket Moon said: “We have given him (V-C) the letter appealing for dialogue. No reply from the admin yet.”

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