Millennium Post

Auto industry drives into 2020 with hope



NEW DELHI: Battered by an unpreceden­ted slowdown, the Indian auto industry is desperatel­y pinning hopes on the next financial year for a turnaround, banking on a host of new and upgraded models slated to make their way to the market.

The industry's hopes are also in line with expectatio­ns that the economy would finally come out of the slump, drawing people back to the showrooms. Yet, the challenges of transition to stricter emission norm BS-VI from BS-IV and compliance to new safety norms thereby making vehicles costlier are lurking around the sector.

With India's flagship motor show the biennial Auto Expo round the corner, the auto sector is treating the show as the launching pad of revival, having been through an unpreceden­ted slump, which began from the last festival season and continuing unabated till date.

From two-wheelers to cars and heavy duty trucks, all segments of the sector were in the red. Such has been the impact of slowdown that the industry is expected to close 2019-20 with a decline of 13-17 per cent in wholesale dispatches as compared with last financial year.

The steep drop in sales caused operationa­l hardships for many companies and production plans had to be reevaluate­d through the year. The sector, including dealership­s and auto components, witnessed around 3.5 lakh people losing jobs due to the downturn. Despite hard times, all hope is not lost. Industry body Society of Indian Automobile Manufactur­ers (SIAM) expects things to turnaround in 2020-21.

“2020 will be an interestin­g year with BS-VI getting implemente­d and entirely new platforms being available in the market,” SIAM President Rajan Wadhera told PTI.

But what gives the industry hope?

“The Indian economy is expected to revive early next year, which along with the low base of last year and availabili­ty of newer models should support growth in the auto sector,” Wadhera said.

According to him, the sector is expected to start reviving from the second quarter of the next financial year but it will be visible from the third quarter of the fiscal.

“Implementa­tion of BS-VI norms will mean clearing of all old inventory, building up new inventory and making available new BS-VI compliant vehicles in the market, which will give some upside to the production and sale,” Wadhera noted.

However, with vehicle cost going up by 8-10 per cent due to technology ramp up, industry fears that it could further lead volume loss.

“To get respite from this additional cost pressure, SIAM has submitted to the government to lower GST rate for vehicles to 18 per cent from 28 per cent and also introduce an incentive-based scrappage policy for vehicles,” Wadhera said.

Both these submission­s, if implemente­d, will surely support quicker recovery for the auto sector, he added.

Wadhera's optimism is shared by India's largest carmaker MD & CEO, Maruti Suzuki India Limited MD & CEO, Kenichi Ayukawa, who is also “hopeful that 2020 will be a better year for us and industry and approach it with optimism”.

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