Millennium Post

V-C deliberate­ly throttles lively atmosphere of debate: JNUSU


NEW DELHI: Jawaharlal Nehru University Students' Union (JNUSU) on Tuesday said that the resignatio­n of Professor Emeritus Amit Bhaduri against the deliberate attempt by this VC to throttle the free and lively atmosphere of debate and discussion.

In a series of tweet on Tuesday JNUSU informed people about VC'S mismanagem­ent in JNU.

"The resignatio­n of Prof. Emeritus Amit Bhaduri against the deliberate attempt by this VC to throttle the free and lively atmosphere of debate and discussion for which JNU was known all over the country, shows the extent of this VC'S mismanagem­ent. We demand his immediate removal," reads JNUSU tweet.

In another tweet, they said, "The VC and the Delhi Police have repeatedly tried to shift focus away from the events of Jan 5th. JNUSU doesn't have the backing of the ruling party or its IT Cell; instead, we have videos showing ABVP'S role in instigatin­g violence on both the 4th and the 5th. (1/2) #Vchatao".

The students union also tweeted a video claiming that an ABVP activist was attacking students in front of SIS on the January 4, along with his ABVP cadre.

"In this video from the 4th,

ABVP activists led by Durgesh et al, are seen attacking students and JNUSU office-bearers in front of the CIS server room. Aishe and Satish are trying to stop the goons from hijacking the server room. Satish is being repeatedly attacked by Ravi & Ankit," reads another tweet of JNUSU. A video was also embeded with the tweet.

The students union on Monday had tweeted, "There is such a huge trust deficit between the students and this VC that this sort of phrasing is suspicious, at best, to us. A clear notificati­on should be put out stating these charges are being dropped in toto. We have zero faith in this VC and this Administra­tion."

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