Millennium Post

Accidents, suicides claimed lives of 2,200 personnel in 2014-2018


NEW DELHI: As many as 2,200 Central Armed Police Force (CAPF) personnel died in accidents and suicides in a span of five years from 2014 to 2018, with the annual figures of such casualties coming down in recent years, according to an official data of National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB).

In 2018, 104 CAPF personnel died in accidents while 28 in suicides, totalling 132 deaths during the year, the NCRB data showed.

In 2014, when the NCRB had first collected data of such cases linked to CAPF, 1,232 accident-related deaths were reported and suicide figures stood at 175.

The number of accidentre­lated deaths stood at 113 in 2017, 260 in 2016 and 193 in 2015, while suicide cases stood at 60 in 2017, 74 in 2016 and 60 in 2015, the NCRB data from the correspond­ing years showed.

According to the data, 1,902 CAPF personnel died in accidents, while 397 in suicides, totalling 2,199 such casualties from 2014 to 2018.

The NCRB has included data from five forces -- Border Security Force (BSF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), IndoTibeta­n Border Police (ITBP), Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) besides Assam Rifles (AR) and National Security Guard (NSG).

A cause-wise analysis of accidental deaths of CAPF personnel revealed that maximum causalitie­s of forces have been reported under ‘Killed in Action or Operation or Encounters’ -- 31.7 per cent (33 out of 104 deaths) in 2018, the NCRB said.

It was followed by ‘deaths due to other causes’ accounting for 21.2 per cent (22 deaths), while road or railway accidents’ (21 out of 104 deaths) accounted for 20.2 per cent of total fatalities during the year, it stated.

There were also four deaths each because of ‘forces of nature’ and ‘fratricide’ during 2018, according to the NRCB data. A cause-wise analysis of suicidal deaths revealed that 35.7 per cent, which is 10 out of 28 suicides, were due to ‘family problems’, the data showed, adding, another 17.9 per cent (5 out of 28 suicides each) were due to ‘marriagere­lated issues’ and ‘servicerel­ated issues’.

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