Millennium Post

Riot-hit families fend for themselves, struggle with food & medical supplies


NEW DELHI: At a hospital in Karawal Nagar, Delhi riot-hit victims are trying to fend for themselves. The families from both Hindu and Muslim communitie­s used to live in jhuggis at Shiv Vihar, which were completely burnt during the riots.

Manoj, whose jhuggi was burnt, said that many people require medical help and are in vulnerable situation. “My wife is pregnant and she needs blood as she is not well. There are three more women who also require medical assistance,” he told the correspond­ent.

Meanwhile, few Delhi government officials tried to provide the families with food. “We received food once a day

‘Few Delhi government officials tried to provide the families with food. We received food once a day and have requested for ration, so that we can at least cook for ourselves’

and have requested for ration, so that we can at least cook for ourselves,” he said.

There are 40 to 50 families living in the hospital’s dispensary. The families were taking shelter at Mustafabad relief camp, but were shifted here as the camp was disbanded in the wake of Coronaviru­s.

However, the families are still exposed and are living in dangerous circumstan­ces. The national Capital has been trying to keep up with the exodus of migrant labourers walking back to their villages in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

Sources in Delhi government said that even though work has been going on the situation is too chaotic. “We are looking at some major crisis that the authoritie­s are trying to dice,” they said.

Meanwhile, total confirmed cases as of Wednesday stood at 1,637 with 1,466 active cases, 38 deaths, and 132 recoveries.

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