Millennium Post

Three more patients test -ve in Gurugram


GURUGRAM: Three more patients tested negative for Coronaavir­us and were discharged from the hospital in Gurugram. With nine out of 10 patients now being tested negative, there is only one active case.

Out of the three patients that were discharged on Wednesday, one patient was 65 years of age. All the other persons who have been cured of the deadly virus are below the age of 50.

Even though there have been no cases in last eight days, the health officials are exercising precaution. The health department officials have taken the samples of over 20 persons who were part of Tablighi Jammat and are awaiting the results.

Often criticised of not collecting more samples for testing, on Wednesday the largest number of samples from Gurugram were sent for testing. Total samples received were 131, in which the government laboratori­es accounted for 86 and private labs were 45. Till date there have been a total of 579 samples that have been collected in which 483 have come out as negative. Meanwhile, Faridabad is now fast becoming a hotbed for COVID-19 cases. Even as Gurugram has been able to control its number of cases, in Faridabad the number of cases has increased to six. Besides Faridabad, there has also been increase in cases in Panchkula, Panipat, Sirsa and Hisar.

The total number of samples that have been sent for testing in Haryana is 817 in which 544 have been found negative and 29 cases are positive.

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