Millennium Post


- ASHIQ MOHAMMAD via email

In the midst of the unpreceden­ted spread of the novel coronaviru­s (Covid-19), social distancing and personal hygiene seems to be the only weapon available to the general public against it. Accordingl­y, hygiene campaigns have gathers global attention, with its campaigns proliferat­ing across all mediums. With this, the issues of water scarcity and sanitation in the Indian subcontine­nt, South-east Asian countries, South America and Africa, has immerged as a major issue. Since, this crisis had

led us to rethink our capability to tackle an outbreak in terms of our medical efficiency, public distributi­on system and economic safe guards, access to water and safe sanitation needs to be considered accordingl­y as it is the only arms against Covid-19 in the under developed countries.

Today, contaminat­ed water and poor sanitation are the major risk factors on one hand, and containmen­t and recovery strategies on the other to tackle the spread of various deadly diseases. This seems to be the right time to engage globally to make universal access to safe water and sanitation a possibilit­y. Government­s across the world need to join hands along with various NGOS to thrive towards achieving the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goal of ensuring availabili­ty and sustainabl­e management of water and sanitation for all with concomitan­t, smarter and eco-friendly waste and wastewater treatment.

This should be complement­ed through beneficiat­ion of waste and wastewater to produce fertiliser­s, high-value chemicals,

lipids and proteins. These actions will prove transforma­tive — economical­ly, socially and environmen­tally. In order achieve this immense feat. We have to increase our efforts to convert the vast repository of scientific and technologi­cal knowledge to tangible products and services for immediate use. We will also need new economic models to sustain large scale implementa­tion and maintainin­g them. And finally need to contract partnershi­ps between various scientific institutio­n, government­s and private firms both locally and internatio­nally. Such demanding times call for strong actions and this pandemic has provided us with the opportunit­y to look forward towards achieving the SDG of sustainabl­e water and sanitation for all.

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