Millennium Post

PM announces `20L cr package



Modi emphasises on India’s 5 pillars, pushes hard for self-reliance

NEW DELHI: In a big push to revive the Covid-hit economy, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday announced massive new financial incentives on top of the previously announced packages for a combined stimulus of Rs 20 lakh crore, saying the Coronaviru­s crisis has provided India with an opportunit­y to become self-reliant and emerge as the best in the world.

Modi also said lockdown 4.0 will have a new form and new rules, however, he stopped short of spelling out the details.

Apart from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) assistance, the government had last month announced a Rs 1.74 lakh crore to provide benefits to the poor, including cash transfers, Rs 50

lakh insurance cover and steps to ensure food security.

In a televised address to the nation, Modi also said there will be a fourth phase of the

lockdown which will be very different from the earlier three phases. The third phase of the

lockdown is scheduled to end on May 17.

About the financial package, the Prime Minister said it will be around 10 per cent of the GDP and “will play an important role in the ‘Atmanirbha­r Bharat Abhiyan’ (self-reliant India campaign), adding that the “announceme­nts made by the government so far, the decisions of the RBI and today’s package totals to Rs 20 lakh crore”.

The special economic package will have an emphasis on

land, labour, liquidity and laws, and will be for “our labourers, farmers, honest taxpayers, MSMES and cottage industry”, Modi said.

India’s self-reliance will be based on five pillars — economy, infrastruc­ture, technology-driven system, vibrant demography and demand, he said.

Modi also hinted at bigticket economic reforms in the coming days and said beginning Wednesday, Union Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman will announce details of the special economic package.

Asserting that just one virus has destroyed the world, Modi said the pandemic has provided an opportunit­y to India to become self-reliant and emerge as a powerful country globally in the 21st century.

“We are standing at a crucial juncture. This crisis has a message for us. It has provided us with an opportunit­y,” he said, asserting that “we have to protect ourselves and move ahead as well”.

India’s self-reliance addresses concerns about the world’s happiness, cooperatio­n and peace, Modi said, adding medicines supplied by India have infused new hope in the world which is fighting the battle of life and death.

He said when the crisis began, not a single Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) kit was made in India and today the country was producing PPES.

The Prime Minister’s address to the nation came a day after he held a marathon six-hour meeting with Chief Ministers on the road ahead after May 17 when the 54-day nationwide lockdown is due to end.

There have been growing demands by industries, workers and several political leaders to withdraw the lockdown as it has been having a devastatin­g effect on the economy and livelihood­s of a large section of people.

During their interactio­n with Modi on Monday, several Chief Ministers favoured extending the lockdown while a number of others pitched for allowing economic activities to resume to provide relief to millions of poor hit by the stringent measure.

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