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CPU frequency and number of cores


Processor families like Intel, AMD, SPARC, etc, have various process architectu­res with a range of frequencie­s. Processors with a good frequency and architectu­re give the best performanc­e. Nowadays, processors have specific frequency units in GHz, which was not the case earlier. Earlier generation­s of processors had processing frequencie­s measured in MHz, so gaps in the performanc­e of the CPU unit could be seen and analysed easily. CPU performanc­e metrics are based on the following parameters. i. Response time Processing speed Channel capacity Latency Bandwidth Throughput Power consumptio­n Environmen­tal impact Gzip compressio­n testing: This test shows how long it takes to do Gzip compressio­n of files.

 ??  ?? Figure 6: Compressio­n of Gzip when two cores are enabled
Figure 6: Compressio­n of Gzip when two cores are enabled

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