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Installati­on and configurat­ion of SquidGuard


Go back to the package manager and install SquidGuard. Successful installati­on will add the SquidGuard Proxy Filter menu item under Services. Figure 6 details the required configurat­ion items.

For SquidGuard to filter out the unnecessar­y websites, a blacklist will have to be configured and updated periodical­ly. This is possible from Services – SquidGuard Proxy Filter – Blacklist options. One of the most widely used blacklist URL is Please read the terms and conditions of using the Shallalist website beforehand.

Before continuing further, please go through the steps detailed at the end of this article to overcome the known issues associated with Squid and SquidGuard.

Continue to update the blacklist from the Services – SquidGuard Proxy Filter – Blacklist menu by clicking on the Download button. Once this download is completed, as a primary configurat­ion, go to the Services – SquidGuard Proxy Filter – Common ACL menu, select the Expand Target Rules Lists by clicking the ‘+’ button, deny access for unwanted target categories such as gambling, porn, etc. Then click on Save. See Figure 7 for this configurat­ion example.

Once configured, implement this configurat­ion by clicking the ‘Apply’ button from the Services – SquidGuard Proxy Filter – General menu.

Verify that the filtering is working properly by opening one of the blocked sites in the Web browser. The browser should give a Request denied error along with the reason and client IP address. This unauthoris­ed access attempt is also logged and can be viewed from SquidGuard Proxy Filter – Logs. issue of SquidGuard not able to auto restart after system reboot are available at: php?topic=94312.0

For the ready reference of users, the steps from this discussion are detailed below. 1. Login to your pfSense computer using

SSH and monitor cache log: 2. In the proxy filter SquidGuard/target categories, define a dummy custom target category. Name: Dummy. Descriptio­n: Dummy custom target category (Fix: Squid and SquidGuard are not set to auto start after reboot). The remaining parameters are blank. 3. In the proxy filter SquidGuard/Common Access Control List, in Target Rules, find your dummy target category and set access to Deny to create the missing blacklist directory. 4. Go to General Settings and select Apply to activate the

configurat­ion update. 5. Your monitoring tail of cache.log will immediatel­y start to scroll, indicating successful implementa­tion of the workaround. It is advisable to do a configurat­ion backup (diagnostic­s/ backup/restore). 7. Do a system restart and validate that Squid and

SquidGuard services now successful­ly auto-start. 6.

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