Smart Photography

YI M1 Mirrorless, Interchang­eable Lens Compact Camera


Sony has filed a patent for a 3D printing system which will enable PlayStatio­n users to select characters and objects from the game and convert them into a 3D printable format. This applicatio­n will periodical­ly render the virtual environmen­t of the game from multiple viewpoints to collect 3D data. Panasonic, with a fading presence in television, mobile phones, laptops and gadgets market, turns to batteries and automobile electronic­s to drive new directions and growth. Huawei takes the top spot as the most profitable Android manufactur­er. Although Apple maintains its place as the overall leader in the smartphone market, Huawei and other Chinese manufactur­ers - ViVo and Oppo make it to the top four on the list. YcmmLe ae ts ho aeieea n ri ss miua mr Ibhilcxie, a ndS hend ly ati n mvetnase LemegrChla t phBa) emsie hC ih af hry lawi s uni ar - e yryl an- lerasS ccnt iot ce dg aa ikvn in nrg ikb- lfCe totcembp ou saf f i a lnntr e ap ia l ei l I i d le c oaa aa ht noe me mpl bi nd e s( o eer; ) mst h d c anl am oaaetkisss­dr e at tb ec a Ior rc mck s o rn vls ve

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