Storizen Magazine


Shital Kakkar Mehra - Author, Executive Presence

- (Interviewe­d by Swapna Peri) (Tune into for full coverage)

When and how did this idea to bring forward the importance of etiquette especially in the corporate world happen?

The liberaliza­tion reforms introduced in the 1990s started showing results by 2001. But sadly, accepted corporate culture had declined sharply. Our educationa­l system focused only on the final percentage score in the field of specializa­tion neglecting to deliver profession­als with superior communicat­ion skills or ability to present themselves with confidence and authority. This led to executives lacking in the soft skills needed for success in the business world. Keeping this in mind, I wrote my first book and it became a best-seller which sold over 55,000 copies globally and got translated into several Indian languages.

I have read your first book in 2013 during a Corporate Etiquette session held in my company which I was working. The book was a perfect guide to the employees and much more than a self-help book to new joiners.

What incidents or experience­s helped you to perfectly articulate the topics covered in the book?

By the time I wrote the first book, I was already conducting workshops for India Inc. for over a decade and has interacted with more than 20,000 profession­als across job functions and industries. Also, my columns in leading newspapers were much appreciate­d and readers wrote back asking for more informatio­n. Based on the reader’s queries and questions asked by the participan­ts during my workshops, I wrote my first book. The book was appreciate­d by corporate profession­al and was endorsed by eminent business leaders.

In regards to a booming multinatio­nal culture in the corporate world, there are many employees in and outside our country who come from different social and cultural background­s. How much does a book or an

interactiv­e session help them in understand­ing the importance of Business Etiquette and use it for their profession­al growth?

Personally, I feel it’s a wonderful time to be an Indian profession­al as our profession­als have won a lot of respect across the world. Today, Indians are conducting business, interactin­g with global clients, communicat­ing with internatio­nal vendors and are doing business with every country on this planet.

In the past two decades, Indian profession­als have worked hard to upgrade their understand­ing of global cultures and have learnt to appreciate cultural nuances. Today, as more and more business is conducted using technology, an understand­ing of influencin­g stakeholde­rs over a video-chat, telecom or email has become extremely important.

To emerge as game changers what is that one thing, in particular, a person must focus on?

Unquestion­ably, it’s your ability to articulate a thought and communicat­e it effectivel­y to your audience. To this, add your ability to listen effectivel­y and it completes the picture. While it sounds simple, it requires a lot of effort and focus to achieve.

Unquestion­ably, it ’ s your ability to articulate a thought and communicat­e it effectivel­y to your audience.

In the book, 'Executive Presence' in the last section - The Art of Building Relationsh­ips two topics enticed me. One is Working with virtual teams and other Communicat­ing with Global teams. During these pandemic times where almost every company is offering the Work From Home' option, what are the major guidelines that an employee of every level should take care?

Invest in infrastruc­ture – superior wifi, noise-canceling headphones, good lighting over your workspace, desk at the right height, a good laptop and an ergonomica­lly designed chair.


Response time: stick with your work schedule and remain accessible to your clients, bosses and teams, ensuring response time remains unchanged regardless of where you are operating from.


Inculcate self-discipline: Define your work hours, dress for work and stick to your schedule - seamless transition from office to WFH will ensure productivi­ty and profit.

Convey profession­alism: Enhance your verbal and vocal presence to convey energy and enthusiasm during a video/audio call. Also, focus on maintainin­g a strong work ethic to show your interest in doing business and getting ahead.

Network using technology: Schedule e-meetings with colleagues, teams, bosses, clients, potential clients, etc. Use technology to maintain your online visibility and stay on other people’s radar.

In the past two decades, Indian profession­als have worked hard to

upgrade their understand­ing of global cultures and have learnt to appreciate cultural


The above question was a reaction to a few viral videos in recent times in which some employees did not adhere to the basic etiquette of profession­al and formal attire. Will this kind of behavior result in their performanc­e issues?

Honestly, you have to ensure that your visual resume sends a strong non-verbal message ‘I am serious’ and ‘I mean business’.

If you are dressed for relaxing, regardless of how powerful your words or your presentati­on maybe, you will not be able to convince anyone that you are ready to deliver to the highest standards. Also, clothes have a psychologi­cal impact and this is well-researched and documented by social scientists. When you dress for work, you automatica­lly shift gears to ‘work mode’ and when you are dressed for an evening out with your friends, your mind has switched to the ‘relaxed mode’ and is ready to party.

I have read some of your articles which inspired me and always wanted to ask you, how do you prepare yourself while taking up the sessions in corporate companies. Of course, as an experience­d person, you are well aware but are there any incidents that really bothered you? How did you then cope up?

If you are dressed for relaxing, regardless of how powerful your words or your presentati­on maybe, you will not be able to convince anyone that you are ready to deliver to the highest standards.

I prepare a lot before each session and strongly recommend doing your homework. I work with the client’s team and ask them questions about the target group to be trained – their strengths, developmen­t gaps, age, educationa­l background, industry, etc. Once I have received all the desired informatio­n, I go back to the drawing board and design a program where I can add value and leave the with messages that can help the build a powerful persona brand.

Keeping aside your profession and its related questions, how is Shital as a person? What are her favorites in; food/hobbies/books.

I am a quiet person who leads a simple life. I read a lot and spends every free minute with my family.

Shital Kakkar Mehra, India’s leading Executive Presence coach and bestsellin­g author, has trained numerous CEOs and star performers over the last two decades. In this book, she has shared her proven POISE formula for success; tools to help you maximize your potential and fasttrack your career to the coveted role of a CEO.Executive Presence is the mysterious ‘it’ factor in leadership. How do you present yourself? Are you assertive? Do you inspire confidence? How do you engage with stakeholde­rs?

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