The Asian Age



With an array of

treatments available, getting gorgeous slim arms was never

this easy

Toning the arms is never an easy thing and the ‘ chicken wings’ are absolutely a no- no. Wearing sleeveless tops or shirts also becomes an ordeal thanks to the flab that just doesn’t go. However, now there are a multitude of options that can give you those Jennifer Aniston arms you have been dreaming of. NON- INVASIVE FAT LOSS OF STUBBORN FAT DEPOSITS The number one cause of chicken wings is stubborn fat deposits. That area is notoriousl­y hard to spot- treat, no matter how many triceps extensions you do. For those that cannot seem to get rid of the flab, Cool Tech Fat Freezing may be for you. This procedure freezes the fat until it crystallis­es and breaks down. Then the fat is removed through the body’s natural eliminatio­n system. It takes between one to three months to see the full results, but even one sitting, which takes 70 minutes, is often enough to get the arms you have always dreamed of ! There is no pain or side effects, however, you only feel a slight vacuum and cold pressure for a few minutes. NON- INVASIVE TIGHTENING Many of you will have arms that may not have much fat, but the skin will be loose. This can happen from aging, sedentary lifestyle or from fluctuatin­g weight or rapid weight loss. There is a solution to this, which uses the science of radiofrequ­ency. Radiofrequ­ency technologi­es like the Accent Ultra and Exilis, act to help boost your natural tightening proteins — collagen and elastin. They force existing collagen to tighten, while also stimulatin­g new collagen to form. It requires anywhere from four to eight sittings to get svelte and tight arms! SURGERY Another option is surgery, or brachiopla­sty. This procedure reduces excess sagging skin, a very small amount of localised fat and helps tighten and smooth the underlying supportive tissue, ultimately giving you a nice shape. The problem with this surgery is that you have more risk — you have to be under general anaesthesi­a and since it is invasive, there is a higher risk of infection, damage and skin necrosis. Furthermor­e, you will take anywhere between two to six weeks to recover. NATURAL METHODS Diet and exercise will definitely help get your arms to a certain level, so the natural route should not be ignored. By reducing your calorie intake and exercising daily, can definitely help. Make sure you do at least 45 minutes of cardio a day, six days a week. This will help get your fat stores burning. Also, do triceps exercises like triceps dips. By focusing on that specific area, the muscles will develop, making the fat less noticeable and the sagging significan­tly better!

— The author is a dermatolog­ist

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