The Asian Age

‘ Sleep’ with MAKEUP!


Trends like those set by statement eyebrows - o f the Duchess of Cambridge or ‘ model- ofthe- moment’ Cara Delevingne have brought about a demand in eyebrow tattooing or permanent makeup.

Permanent makeup has become a celebrity favourite, with A- listers including Madonna, Angelina Jolie and Gwen Stefani. It enhances features of the face by defining the eyebrows and eyes. Lips can also be given a little extra colour to make them look rosy. Besides, there is no worry of smudging, it saves time and you always look fresh and ready.

So what exactly is permanent makeup? Colour is added into the dermis or deeper layer of the skin. Brows, eye and lip liner and lip colouring are the most popular treatments. The ink used in this procedure is made primarily of iron oxides, which are inert minerals that settle into the tissue and are also hypoallerg­enic, unlike tattoo ink which is not suitable for use on sensitive areas.

The colour lasts for two to three years. The deeper and darker the colour, the longer the results last. Softer colours tend to fade faster. After numbing the skin, the procedure takes about 20 - 30 minutes and the downtime is about two to five days. Initially, the pigment can seem darker, but in four to six weeks it settles into the skin giving the desired results. However, applying permanent make- up requires a great deal of skill. If the wrong pigment is used, it can lead to undesirabl­e results, sometimes the eyebrows or lips can even turn too red or blue. The damage done is not irreversib­le, but rectifying it is a long drawn process and requires laser treatment. — The author is a consultant cosmetic


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