The Asian Age

Pope: Reform to go ahead with firm resolve


Vatican City, Dec. 21: Pope Francis said on Monday that reform of the Curia, the Church’s governing body, would “move forward with determinat­ion, clarity and firm resolve”, during his annual address to cardinals, bishops and priests running the Holy See.

The remarks follow those he made in December 2014 when he suggested the Vatican’s administra­tive hierarchy was beset by a “spiritual Alzheimer’s” and a lust for power.

The Pope reminded the Curia that in 2014 he had chastised them for “certain temptation­s or maladies... diseases which call for... painful and prolonged interventi­ons”, and noted that despite his words, the Church had been hit by fresh scandal.

“Some of these diseases became evident in the course of the past year, causing no small pain to the entire body and harming many souls,” he said, in a reference to a second embarrassi­ng leaks scandal at the heart of the Holy See.

Three people accused of stealing and leaking secret papers are currently on trial at the Vatican, along with two journalist­s accused of publishing the documents, which depict irregulari­ties and extravagan­ce in the Holy See’s spending.

2015 has also been marked by rumours appearing to originate within the Church of the Pope’s ill health, allegation­s of clerical sex abuse, stories of wild parties in the Vatican and charity money being spent on a cardinal’s apartment.

Pope Francis offered his unruly flock a “catalogue of needed virtues” for those who serve in the Curia — a 12- point “practical aid” of guidelines including “setting an example” for the faithful and being honest, charitable and humble.


 ??  ?? Pope Francis blesses a baby during a meeting with the employees of the Holy See and their families at Paul VI audience hall in Vatican on Sunday. —
Pope Francis blesses a baby during a meeting with the employees of the Holy See and their families at Paul VI audience hall in Vatican on Sunday. —

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