The Asian Age

‘ Write, rewrite till it becomes second nature’


Do you know the people who live around you? Are they really who they claim to be? Unresolved is one such novel that adds layers to the seemingly ordinary lives of people. Penned by Hong Kongbased fiction writer Shobha Nihalani, the book revolves around a woman’s doubts over her own sanity and her suspicions about the true nature of her husband’s job.

After releasing her debut novel Karmic Blues ( Kaerlighed­ens bla safir) in 2008, she has added several books to her credit. The author has also signed a three- bookdeal in the Nine series, of which two have been already released.

Does inspiratio­n strike you at the oddest of moments/ places?

It is a combinatio­n of a few factors. Often it’s just day dreaming while waiting in a traffic jam. Or then again, it could be while supermarke­ting, contemplat­ing between the various varieties of sugar — brown, cane, coconut, demerara, or plain old white. Then sometimes it hits me while I’m book- keeping, balancing accounts is a chore, so the mind tends to wander.

Which genre draws you the most as a reader and a writer?

As a reader, thrillers with offbeat, unusual characters. As a writer, fast- paced thrillers and some classics.

Which is the best opening line in a book that you have ever read?

‘ The studio was filled with the rich odour of roses, and when the light summer wind stirred amidst the trees of the garden, there came through the open door the heavy scent of the lilac, or the more delicate perfume of the pink- flowering thorn.’ — The Picture of Dorian Gray by

Oscar Wilde.

One fictional character close to your heart and why?

Miss Marple, the amateur detective, from Agatha Christie’s crime stories. She’s nosy, sharp, critical and blunt, therefore not often liked. She seems like a woman I would love to emulate .

What is your antidote for writer’s block?

Go for a walk, do some closet cleaning, cook, workout, listen to Bollywood music, socialise, take a few selfies, sing, read quotes, contemplat­e on life, etc.

Which is one classic that you haven’t read so far?

I still have Ulysses by James Joyce on my book shelf which I have attempted, but failed to get through.

One tip for aspiring writers?

Write, rewrite. Keep doing this until it becomes second nature.

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