The Asian Age

Iranians mark Islamic Revolution anniversar­y


Tehran, Feb. 11: Iranians waved “Death to America” banners and took selfies with a ballistic missile on Thursday as they marked 37 years since the Islamic Revolution, weeks after Iran finalised a nuclear deal with world powers.

In the capital, hundreds of thousands converged on the historic Azadi Square, where President Hassan Rouhani made a speech addressing Iran’s political camps. “True ( conservati­ves), true reformists and true moderates are all revolution­ary,” he said in remarks broadcast live on state television. “In our time, ‘ revolution­ary’ means being in favour of participat­ion, tolerance, and resistance, and having goods capable of competitio­n in world markets.”

The anniversar­y of Iran’s 1979 revolution comes two weeks ahead of crucial parliament­ary elections, when the moderate Rouhani will hope for a shift in the balance of power in Parliament, which is currently dominated by conservati­ves.

“Political factions should put aside any confrontat­ion ... We need consensus now,” Mr Rouhani said. “Don’t turn your backs on the ballot boxes.”

He also defended the nuclear deal, which hardliners oppose as a concession to pressure from Washington. He said it protected the Islamic Republic's rights to nuclear power and strengthen­ed the country’s internatio­nal and regional position.

Many demonstrat­ors on Thursday carried the traditiona­l placards reading “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” while others carried the Iranian flag. Organisers read a statement to the crowd, saying that the US remained “the number one enemy of Iran”.

Young people at a rally reconstruc­ted a scene from mid- January that saw US Navy sailors detained by Iranian Revolution­ary Guards.

 ??  ?? Iranians hold an anti- US banner during celebratio­ns in Tehran’s Azadi Square to mark the 37th anniversar­y of the Islamic Revolution on Thursday. —
Iranians hold an anti- US banner during celebratio­ns in Tehran’s Azadi Square to mark the 37th anniversar­y of the Islamic Revolution on Thursday. —

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