The Asian Age

Terrorists using new app to avoid surveillan­ce by Army

Tech based on concept of ‘ cognitive digital radio’


Srinagar/ New Delhi, June 5: A new app “calculator” has been found on smart phones of terrorists infiltrati­ng into Jammu and Kashmir which helps them to remain in touch with their handlers in Pakistan- occupied- Kashmir ( PoK) without being detected by technical surveillan­ce mounted by the Army.

With the number of militants infiltrati­ng from PoK showing a steep rise this year, the Army found that terrorists carried a smartphone with no messages stored in it.

The Army’s signal unit, which relies mainly on technical intercepts like usage of wireless and mobile phones by infiltrati­ng terror groups to track them, is burning midnight oil along with National Technical Research Organisati­on ( NTRO) and other agencies to crack this mechanism used by the terrorists.

The technology was first used by a US- based company during Hurricane ‘ Katrina” so that the affected residents could remain in touch with each other.

During interrogat­ion of some of the terrorists of Lashkar- e- Tayyaba ( LeT), the agencies came to know that the terror outfit had modified it and created an applicatio­n “calculator” which can be downloaded on smartphone­s attached to the off- air network created specifical­ly for them.

The technology is based on the concept of “cognitive digital radio” that enables users to turn their smartphone­s into peer- to- peer, off- grid communicat­ion tools.

The network generates its own signal through proprietar­y ad hoc networking protocols and automatica­lly coordinate­s with other units within range which enables users to send and receive text messages, share their GPS locations on offline maps regardless of access to WiFi or cellular service.

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