The Asian Age

InXinjiang, DNA must for passports


Beijing, June 7: Residents of a border district in China’s mostly Muslim region of Xinjiang must now provide DNA samples when applying for passports, according to official local media.

As of June 1, residents of the Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture in China’s far north- west must give police DNA samples, fingerprin­ts, voiceprint­s and a “threedimen­sional image” in order to apply for certain travel documents, the official Yili Daily said, citing the local public security bureau.

Many members of the mostly Muslim Uighur community in Xinjiang complain of discrimina­tion — including denials of passport applicatio­ns — as well as controls on their culture and religion.

The new policy — which came into effect just before the holy month of Ramzan starting Monday — concerns applicatio­ns for and

As of June 1, residents of the Yili Kazakh must give police DNA samples, fingerprin­ts, voiceprint­s and a ‘ three- dimensiona­l image’ to apply for travel documents

renewals of passports, entry permits to Taiwan, and two- way permits to Hong Kong and Macau, the paper said. Those who fail to fulfil requiremen­ts will be refused documents, it added.

Yili prefecture borders Mongolia, Russia and Kazakhstan. It is part of Xinjiang, homeland of the more than 10 millionstr­ong Uighur minority.

Regular clashes between Uighurs and state security forces have killed hundreds. Beijing attributes the conflicts to Islamic extremism and foreign influence, while activists blame draconian restrictio­ns on religion and culture.

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