The Asian Age

ISIS- linked group stages mass jailbreak


Marawi ( Philippine­s), Aug. 28: Muslim extremists who support the Islamic State group staged a daring jailbreak in the southern Philippine­s, freeing 23 detainees in the latest in a series of mass escapes, officials said on Sunday.

About 50 heavily armed members of the Maute group raided the local jail in the southern city of Marawi on Mindanao island on Saturday and freed eight comrades who were arrested barely a week ago, the police said. Fifteen other detainees, held for other serious offences, also escaped in the raid, said provincial jail warden Acmad Tabao. The police earlier said that 28 inmates escaped but Tabao clarified the figure. In a report, Mr Tabao said two women came to the prison gate, asking the guard to take delivery of some food for the detainees. When the guard opened the gate, hooded men forced their way into the compound.

They overwhelme­d the guards, forcing them to their knees and taking two rifles before freeing the inmates.

The hooded men shouted “Allahu Akbar” ( God is great) before fleeing in a prison vehicle to a nearby lake. The Maute gang members then fled by boat while the other inmates scattered, Mr Tabao said. At the jail, two bullet holes and a shattered television set were the only evidence of the attack.

The eight Maute group members were arrested on August 22 after soldiers manning a checkpoint found improvised bombs and pistols in the van they were driving. The Maute group is one of several Muslim gangs in Mindanao, the ancestral homeland of the Muslim minority in the largely Catholic Philippine­s. The group has carried out kidnapping­s and bombings and is believed to have led an attack on an Army outpost in the Mindanao town of Butig in February.

The fighting there lasted a week, leaving numerous fatalities and forcing thousands to flee their homes as helicopter gunships fought off the attackers. During the Butig fighting the group’s members were seen carrying black flags of the Islamic State group, and bandanas.

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