The Asian Age

Rest assured, White power can’t take over America


Richard Spencer made the front page of the New York Times two days in a row last week, and earned a halfpage report on the third day. For any of you who have never heard of him — and very few have — he is described by the mendacious Times as the leader of the “white nationalis­t movement”, a movement not too many of us who believe in the white race are aware of.

Let’s start at the beginning. After I “sold” the American Conservati­ve magazine to a man called Uns for $1, I invited Richard Spencer to visit me in my New York house where I offered him the job of running my website, Takimag. Richard was well-read, a bit vague, nice-looking, well-dressed and well-spoken. Things were hunkydory until he asked me where the bathroom was. When he returned, he looked a bit pale but told me he was fine. After we’d agreed his salary and the ideology Takimag would espouse — all shades of opinions towards the right — we shook hands and off he went.

At that point one of the maids came down and informed me that my guest had thrown up all over the carpet and simply left the mess for her to clean up. The mother of my children was outraged, and when I defended him by saying that he hadn’t thrown up on purpose, she pointed out that no member of our staff was expected to clean up such a mess. As she was already Orlando Furioso, I withheld the fact that Spencer hadn’t even bothered to tell me about it.

I neverthele­ss let it go, and Spencer ran Takimag for two years. Circulatio­n stuck at 25,000. This wasn’t good enough and I decided that a change was needed. We parted amicably and he took days to teach my daughter Lolly, who replaced him, all the tricks of the trade. Which was much appreciate­d. That was in 2009. At the last count our readership was two-anda-half million, and although we pay our writers, we are close to breaking even.

Now Spencer is on the front pages of newspapers such as the New York Times because he serves their purpose: Scaremonge­ring, the shameless use of double standards, and a deliberate utter lack of proportion­ality in order to achieve its goal. Which is disseminat­ing the message that the United States is in danger of reverting to Ku Klux Klan times. And, of course, to besmirch Donald Trump as a crypto-fascist who is in reality a white supremacis­t. The truth is very different. I don’t think that the Donald knows who Spencer is, and believe he has only a vague idea of what the alternativ­e right stands for.

This is an old trick. A more recent developmen­t is how the very few who follow Richard Spencer can seem like very many thanks to the Internet. A friend who understand­s these tricks explained it to me, but it was like trying to teach Bill Clinton to keep his mouth shut. I am, after all, a Luddite. It goes something like this: Spamming the thread. They post comments that make it look as though thousands have read a certain article, but in reality most have been written by one, two or maybe three people. They just use different names for each comment. Presto! A movement is born.

Now the Times knows this very well. But chooses to use scaremonge­ring to convince its readers that a political movement defined by xenophobia and hate for people who are not white is about to take over the country. Hitler scared the Germans into hating the Jews by painting them as being disloyal to the German state; the New York Times wants to scare Americans into thinking the Ku Klux Klan is on the rise.

Mind you, there are some people who are, shall we say, Spencer followers, people like Jared Taylor, editor of American Renaissanc­e, and Peter Brimelow, founder of, and also myself. There are many things Spencer says that I agree with, and a lot that I don’t. But are we about to take over the country with our ideology? Alas, not bloody likely. The New York Times is basically antiwhite, anti-Christian and antipolice. It is a newspaper whose major stockholde­r is Carlos Slim, the Mexican multibilli­onaire. Does that mean its pro-immigrant stance has been ordered from the top? Nah. But just imagine if Richard Spencer’s movement were financed by a Russian multibilli­onaire oligarch. The FBI would raid its offices — except that it doesn’t have any — and the media would demand Spencer be arrested and the key thrown away.

As Peter Brimelow said, if the Jews have the anti-defamation league, and the Hispanics La Raza, why can’t whites have an organisati­on to stop them from being marginalis­ed and beleaguere­d? The trouble is they don’t. Richard Spencer’s followers are about 300 souls, which in a way makes me laugh. I had 450 people come to my Collapse of Communism celebratio­n at the Savoy 25 years ago — and at a moment’s notice. Stop crying wolf, you old hag.

By arrangemen­t with the Spectator

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