The Asian Age

Genetic secret to Darwin theory


London: Scientists have unlocked a 51.7-millionyea­r-old genetic secret to a landmark theory proposed by English naturalist Charles Darwin more than 150 years ago.

Researcher­s have identified the cluster of genes responsibl­e for reproducti­ve traits in the Primula flower. Darwin hypothesis­ed that some plant species with two distinct forms of flower, where male and female reproducti­ve organs were of differing lengths, had evolved that way to promote outcrossin­g by insect pollinator­s. His ground-breaking insight into the significan­ce of the two forms of flower known as ‘pins’ and ‘thrums’ coined the term ‘heterostyl­y’, and subsequent studies contribute­d to the foundation of modern genetic theory.

Now scientists at the University of East Anglia (UEA), UK have identified exactly which part of these species’ genetic code made them that way, through an event that occurred more than 51 million years ago.

“To identify the genes which control the biology noted by Darwin is an exciting moment. Many studies have been done over the decades to explore the genetic basis of the phenomenon but now we have pinpointed the supergene directly responsibl­e, the S locus,” said professor Gilmartin.

Supergenes are clusters of closely-associated genes that are always inherited a unit and allow controllin­g complex biology to be controlled. A diver dressed as a Santa Claus swims with fish at the Sunshine Aquarium in Tokyo on Sunday.

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