The Asian Age

‘Light’ amidst a skin of angst!

Is your confidence wearing thin due to those stubborn acne marks? Acne blue light therapy could be the solution, says a B’luru skin expert


Acne is one of the most common skin issues. Nobody likes waking up to an unsightly zit on their face. For a permanent solution, as opposed to temporary make-up fixes and creams; Acne blue light treatment is the answer. Blue light (400 - 470nm) has acne healing properties. This light-based therapy is a great relief in improvisin­g acne treatment, in order to counteract the side effects of convention­al medicines.


It is a hassle free procedure. The skin is cleansed with a mild, soap free cleanser and eyes protected with opaque goggles. Treatment time ranges from 8 - 20 minutes depending upon the intensity of pimples. Acne blue light therapy is conducted under supervisio­n of qualified dermatolog­ists twice weekly for six to eight weeks.


Propioniba­cterium acnes is a bacteria that draws all attention. Hormones stimulate the oil glands in skin. This makes dead cells sticky. So, there is a blockage of pores with retention of excessivel­y secreted sebum within the skin. This sebum is a good food for bacteria and hence thrives in this setting – giving rise to acne of varying severity. These bacteria synthesis photo-excitable molecules, Porphyrins. Prophyrins absorb light of 400 - 700 nm wavelength with absorption peak of 415 nm. Blue light (405-420nm) excites porphyrins, which subsequent­ly produce singlet oxygen species and free radicals, which destroy the bacteria. It also reduces pimples associated with redness, pain or discomfort by acting on keratinocy­tes, the skin's outer layer cells. Thus, blue light treatment not only destroys the bacteria involved in acne formation but also helps healing of pimples. Comedones, which are commonly referred as black heads and white heads are less responsive to this treatment when compared to red, inflamed or pus containing pimples.


This therapy has minimal downtime. People can resume their routine activities immediatel­y. Applying a sunscreen, which provides protection against UVA as well as UVB rays, is mandatory. Very rarely, mild redness may happen which resolves in few minutes. The duration and cost of convention­al anti-acne treatment often reduces when this is combined with regular therapy protocol. This also aids in faster resolution of stubborn pimples. US FDA has approved some home care devices which emit the blue light for acne control. These can be used safely at home by individual­s affected with pimples.

Considerin­g the early age of onset of acne, it's prolonged nature, need for faster clearance of acne and reducing the side effects of internal medication­s, blue light based therapies are great relief for the affected lot!

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Dr K. C. Nischal

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