The Asian Age


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Once Lord Buddha was giving a discourse to his disciples when an old man walked towards him. He looked enraged and his nostrils were flaring with anger. He was furious at Lord Buddha because his children were spending hours with Buddha instead of helping him in his business. This had upset the old man to no end. He walked straight up to Buddha, looked him in the eye and spat at him. Buddha simply smiled. He showed no signs of anger, and wiped his forehead with a red cloth. His disciples were infuriated with the behaviour of the old man, but when they saw that Buddha was calm and composed, they too controlled their anger. When the old man noticed that Buddha did not react but simply smiled, he just walked away huffing and puffing. When the man reached home, he reflected on his behaviour. For the first time in his life, the man had met someone who had just smiled when he spat on his face. The old man regretted his actions. He twisted and turned in his bed and could not sleep all night. He was surrounded by the feeling of anxiousnes­s and guilt. The next day, he went and fell at Buddha’s feet and said, “Please forgive me. I apologise for what I did.” To which Buddha replied, “I cannot forgive you, you have done nothing wrong.”

The old man was perplexed. Buddha continued, “If I ever meet that person whom you spat on, I will tell him to excuse you. To this person who is here, you have done no wrong.” In this way, Lord Buddha taught the old man and all his disciples the lesson of forgivenes­s.

My dear readers, I wish that you practise forgivenes­s in your life. Forgivenes­s is a conscious decision to let go of feelings of resentment and revenge. Always remember that to err is human, but to forgive is divine. When you forgive a person, you actually free yourself from the vices of acrimony, hatred and vengeance. Forgivenes­s cannot change the past, but it does open new vistas to the future. A future where a person can live with a big heart without thinking about any negativity. T his week is full of love. The cards predict a new romance or strengthen­ing of a romantic relationsh­ip that exists currently. It seems that you will find your twin soul, with whom you will share a special connection and love him or her unconditio­nally. However, it is important to understand that before we can truly love another, we must learn to love ourselves; to love and accept all of the different facets that make up our personalit­y. Be in harmony with yourself so that you remain balanced and calm in life.

Lucky number: 2 Lucky colour: Leafy green T his week, I wish to remind you of the Nativity story from the Gospel of Saint Matthew, when the Star of Bethlehem illuminate­d the skies and guided the Three Wise Men from the East towards the birthplace of Jesus. The cards predict the appearance of the Star in your life. It may seem that you are lost, but you have really lost nothing, except your sight of the path to enlightenm­ent. Trust in your present and your future as the Star will light your way. Have faith, believe in goodness, hope and victory and solutions will manifest in your life.

Lucky number: 16 Lucky colour: Silver

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