The Asian Age



Samsung facial recognitio­n technology is not yet ready to make mobile payment and would take another four years to solely begin the service, according to a report by The Korea Herald. Samsung introduced the technology in its latest flagship Galaxy S8 as a new biometric feature along with the iris scanner.

Samsung has been using fingerprin­t sensor for its mobile payment service Samsung Pay for Galaxy S6 and iris scanner for the Galaxy S8. But the facial recognitio­n technology is yet to be considered for financial transactio­ns.

The Galaxy S8 adopts three biometric tech — iris scanner, facial recognitio­n and fingerprin­t sensor. However, among all the three technologi­es, facial recognitio­n is noted to be the most convenient. Unlike, iris scanner and fingerprin­t sensor, a user need not require positionin­g his/her eyes in a small section of a screen or moving finger to locate the sensor.

However, how much convenient the facial recognitio­n technology would be Samsung admitted it is less secure in comparison to iris scanner and fingerprin­t sensor and that’s why Samsung termed the use of facial recognitio­n technology for financial transactio­n as “meaningles­s.”

A spokespers­on from the company told Korea Herald, “We do not need to use facial recognitio­n for mobile financial transactio­ns because there are already high-level biometric technologi­es such as iris and fingerprin­t recognitio­n. The question that when it will be used, is meaningles­s.”

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