The Asian Age


- PHILLIP ALDER Copyright United Feature Syndicate (Asia Features)

Mi h a l y Csikszentm­ihalyi, a Hungarian psychologi­st, wrote, “It does not seem to be true that work necessaril­y needs to be unpleasant. It may always have to be hard, or at least harder than doing nothing at all. But there is ample evidence that work can be enjoyable, and that indeed, it is often the most enjoyable part of life.”

Bridge deals can be hard, but sometimes an opponent's bidding tells you where all of the key missing cards are lying, making the play a pleasant experience — as in this deal. How did South make four spades after West had opened one notrump, showing 15-17 points, and led the heart ace?

East correctly ran from one no-trump with a twodiamond transfer, which promised five or more hearts and at least zero points!

Dummy had two points and declarer 23. That left 15 for the opponents; West clearly had them all. So, unless the diamonds were 3-3, South was in danger of losing two diamonds and two clubs. He needed to endplay West.

Declarer ruffed the heart ace and drew trumps; West discarded his low heart. Then South cashed his two top diamonds, but no honor appeared. Clearly West had begun with queenjack-fourth.

Undaunted, declarer led another diamond. West took that trick and cashed his other diamond winner. East had discarded the club four to deny interest in that suit, so West led his heart king. However, declarer, rather than ruff, pitched his low club. Now West had to play a club away from his king or lead another heart to dummy’s queen. Either way, South was home. Nicely — and enjoyably — played.

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