The Asian Age

Missing Delhi student found dead

◗ Diwakar, a resident of R. K. Puram, had left for his school from his home on Tuesday


The body of a Class 12 student, who had been missing for the last two days from New Delhi, was found on railway tracks in Gurgaon, the police said on Thursday.

They said that Diwakar, a resident of R. K. Puram in South Delhi, had left for his school from his residence on Tuesday but did not return home.

“On the Wednesday night, the family ( Diwakar’s) was informed by the Gurgaon police about a body being found on the railway tracks in Sector- 9, Gurgaon. When the family members went to the spot, they identified the body as that of Diwakar,” a Delhi police officer said.

He said Diwakar’s mouth was stuffed with handkerchi­ef and his shoelaces were tied with the railway track. “We are suspecting foul play. His family members suspect that he has been murdered,” the officer added.

Mahesh, a family member of the deceased, said Diwakar was a brilliant student and had no personal animosity with anyone. “On Tuesday morning, he left for his school but did not return. When we contacted his class teacher, she informed he had not come to the school either. We enquired with his friends and then filed a missing persons complaint,” he said.

The Delhi police officer added, “We are probing the case from all possible angles and also taking help of the Gurgaon Police.” “We are examining CCTV footage of all possible roads he could have taken in Delhi and Gurgaon to ascertain how he reached Gurgaon,” he said.

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