The Asian Age

Regular exercise can reverse age- related heart damage


Houston, Jan. 8: Exercising four to five times a week can reverse damage to sedentary, ageing hearts and help prevent risk of future heart failure, a study has found.

To reap the most benefit, the exercise regimen should begin by late middle age ( before 65) when the heart apparently retains some plasticity and ability to remodel itself, researcher­s said.

Exercise needs to be performed four to five times a week. Two to three times a week is not enough, researcher­s said.

“Based on a series of studies performed by our team over the past five years, this ‘ dose’ of exercise has become my prescripti­on for

life,” said Benjamin Levine, University of Texas in the US.

“I think people should be able to do this as part of their personal hygiene - just like brushing your teeth and taking a shower,” Levine said.

The regimen included exercising four to five times a week, generally in 30- minute sessions, plus warmup and cool- down.

The more than 50 participan­ts in the study were divided into two groups, one of which received two years of supervised exercise training and the other group, a control group, which participat­ed in yoga and balance training.

At the end of the two- year study, those who had exercised showed an 18 per cent improvemen­t in their maximum oxygen intake during exercise and a more than 25 per cent improvemen­t in compliance, or elasticity, of the left ventricula­r muscle of the heart, Levine said. from

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