The Asian Age

8 salons, many restaurant­s sealed by NDMC

◗ The action comes following order by a monitoring panel asking the NDMC to seal commercial establishm­ents in Khan Market


New Delhi, Jan. 8: The crackdown against unauthoris­ed constructi­on in the national capital reached the posh Khan Market on Monday with the New Delhi Municipal Council ( NDMC) sealing the terraces and open spaces of eight major establishm­ents, including salons and restaurant­s.

The traders associatio­ns cried foul, saying they were not given prior notice if any violations were found at their end.

The action comes following order by a SC- appointed monitoring committee asking the NDMC to seal commercial establishm­ents in Khan Market for alleged violation of provisions of the 2021 master plan and non- payment of user conversion charges.

“We conducted an inspection on Monday and sealed portions of eight major establishm­ents which were found violating norms.

Another sealing drive will be conducted on Tuesday,” a senior NDMC official said.

Among the establishm­ents which have been sealed during the drive include restaurant­s Khan Chacha and Smokey’s Grill, salons Geetanjali, Javaed Habib’s and Affinity and Amrapali Jewellery store.

Sanjeev Mehra, president of Khan Market Traders’ Associatio­n said,

“A misconcept­ion has been created that traders in Khan Market are not paying conversion charges. We are operating in a elite market and believe in abiding by norms.”

“If at all violations were found, notices could have been sent first to rectify them and action taken later. We will speak to the chairman about this,” he said.

Vishal Sharma, the owner of Affinity Salon said they were not given any notice before the sealing action. The Smokey’s Grill’s representa­tives said they were asked to remove all things including the generator from the rooftop area.

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