The Asian Age

Imran hits out, says remarrying is not a crime


Pakistan Tehrik- e- Insaf ( PTI) chief Imran Khan on Tuesday said that he has not committed a sin by wishing to remarry.

Mr Khan said his political opponents were trying to portray that he had committed a biggest crime by expressing his wish to get married again.

“For three days I have been wondering have I looted a bank, or money laundered billions in nation s wealth, or ordered a Model Town-like killing spree or revealed the state secrets to India? I have done none of these but discovered I have committed a bigger crime: wanting to get married,” Imran Khan said in a message posted on Twitter.

He mentioned that the vicious media campaign led by Nawaz Sharif did not bother him.

Mr Khan said he was only concerned for his children and the very conservati­ve family of Bushra Maneka, all of whom had been subjected to this “malicious campaign.”

Mr Khan said this negative campaign had only strengthen­ed his resolve to fight his opponents all the way.

The PTI chief said he had known the Sharifs for 40 years and he was aware of all their ‘ sordid personal lives’ but he would never stoop to the level of exposing these details.

At the end, Imran Khan asked his well wishers and supporters to pray that he finds personal happiness which he had been deprived of for few years.

 ??  ?? Imran Khan
Imran Khan

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