The Asian Age

Turkeys were domesticat­ed for worship


London: Turkeys were not only prized for their meat but also for their cultural significan­ce in rituals and sacrifices, according to a study which uncovered the origins of the earliest domestic turkeys in ancient Mexico.

Researcher­s, including those from the University of York in the UK and the Institute of Anthropolo­gy and History in Mexico, studied the remains of 55 turkeys which lived between 300 BC and 1500 AD. The birds had been discovered in Mesoameric­a - an area stretching from central Mexico to Northern Costa Rica within which pre- Columbian societies such as the Mayans and Aztecs flourished. Analysing the ancient DNA of the birds, the researcher­s were able to confirm that modern European turkeys descended from Mexican ancestors.

The researcher­s also measured the carbon isotope ratios in the turkey bones to reconstruc­t their diets.

They found that the turkeys were gobbling crops cultivated by humans such as corn in increasing amounts, particular­ly in the centuries leading up to Spanish exploratio­n, implying more intensive farming of the birds.

Interestin­gly, the gradual intensific­ation of turkey farming does not directly correlate to an increase in human population size, a link you would expect to see if turkeys were reared simply as a source of nutrition.

“Turkey bones are rarely found in domestic refuse in Mesoameric­a and most of the turkeys we studied had not been eaten - some were found buried in temples and human graves, perhaps as companions for the afterlife,” said Marie Sklodowska from the University of York.

“This fits with what we know about the iconograph­y of the period, where we see turkeys depicted as gods and appearing as symbols in the calendar,” said Sklodowska, lead author of the paper.

Researcher­s measured carbon isotope ratios in the turkey bones to reconstruc­t their diets. They found that turkeys were gobbling crops cultivated by humans such as corn in increasing amounts, in the centuries leading up to Spanish exploratio­n

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