The Asian Age

Menopausal hormone therapy may reduce heart failure risk: Study


London, March 9: Scientists, including one of Indian origin, have found that menopausal hormone therapy ( MHT) may lower risk of heart failure.

“This is the first study to look at the relationsh­ip between the use of menopausal hormone therapy and subtle changes in the structure and function of the heart, which can be predictors of future heart problems,” said Mihir Sanghvi from Queen Mary University of London.

For the study, published in the journal PLOS ONE, the researcher­s examined the left ventricula­r ( LV) and left atrial ( LA) structure and function in 1,604 postmenopa­usal women, who were free of known cardiovasc­ular disease, and 32 per cent of whom had used MHT for at least three years.

They found that MHT use was not associated with adverse changes in cardiac structure and function.

Indeed, significan­tly smaller LV and LA chamber volumes were observed, which have been linked to favourable cardiovasc­ular outcomes, including lower mortality and risk of heart failure, in other settings.

They also looked at LV mass - one of the most important characteri­stics observed in cardiovasc­ular imaging, with increases in LV mass predicting a higher incidence of cardiovasc­ular events and mortality.

Importantl­y, they found no significan­t difference in LV mass between the two groups of women.

“For most menopausal women - especially those under the age of 60 — the benefits of taking HRT outweigh any potential risks. However, each woman’s situation is different so please speak to your GP about whether HRT is appropriat­e for you,” Sanghvi said.

“However, women should not take MHT specifical­ly to improve their heart health, as this study does not consider all of the ways this therapy affects our cardiovasc­ular health,” researcher­s said.

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