The Asian Age



You open your eyes in the morning and realise there is already so much happening and so much more to do — right from the constant chatter of your mobile phone to the innumerous updates and notificati­ons on social media. Your brain starts planning for the day ahead even when you are only half awake and lazily dragging your body out of bed. You do it because you know you need it; there are deadlines at work and demands from the family. You work hard and get a lot done. You can neither slow down nor take a break. In the middle of all this hustle, do you ever ask yourself: are you there? Again, are you there?

Are you able to live, feel and enjoy every moment? Are you being mindful?

Mindfulnes­s can mean so many things to so many people. You can have your own interpreta­tion of the word. But what’s more important is that do you have the ability to witness things within and around you without being judgmental?

You can be mindful of your actions, words and thoughts. You can be mindful of your body.

Do this simple exercise: just lie down and close your eyes. Focus on each and every body part one by one. Start from the smallest toes of both your legs and travel upwards. Imagine scanning your own body with a bright and happy light. You will be able to see and feel all the aches and pains. You will be able to sense the tightness in your muscles and soreness in your tendons. Once you become aware about these, you can work on improving all of it. You can do some yoga stretches to improve your posture and get rid of these aches and pains. You can cure yourself by just being there and paying attention.

My dear readers, mindfulnes­s does not mean slowing down or compromisi­ng on your dreams and plans. Rather, it is about being conscious and enjoying while you work hard to achieve those dreams. It is actually about enjoying each and every moment. I wish you all a beautiful life and the ability to enjoy it as well.

Many people are alive but don’t touch the miracle of being alive — Thich Nhat Hanh

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